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Accepted Solution

Answer:First expression correspond to equation B.Second expression correspond to equation D.Third expression correspond to equation A.Step-by-step explanation:First equation can be written as: [tex]4 x^3 - 4 + 7x - 2 x^3 + x +8[/tex] which is a consequence of applying distributive property related to multiplication. Then, groupping terms allow us to reach the result [tex]2 x^3 + 8x +4[/tex].Second equation is all about grouping terms of equal power, which means working with [tex]-3 x^2 + x^4 +x + 2 x^4 -7 + 4x[/tex]. We can sum up [tex]2 x^4[/tex] with [tex]2 x^4[/tex], which yields in [tex]3 x ^4[/tex]  and [tex]x[/tex] with [tex]4 x[/tex] which yields [tex]3 x^4 - 3x^2 + 5x -7[/tex]Third equation can be rearranged by applying distributive property: [tex](x^2 -2x) (2x +3) = 2x^3 -4x^2 + 3x^2 - 6x[/tex]. Grouping the terms that have the same power yields to the final expression [tex]2x^3 + x^2 - 6x[/tex]